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November 2013

Oct 27, 2009

Your tax dollars at work circa 1944

At the height of World War II. A dentist (a profession fundamentaly evil by nature.) named Lytle S. Adams came up with the idea for a bat bomb.  Bats as it turns out can carry close to their own weight in flight. And as luck would have it there are four caves in Texas with something like seven million bats . Bats when dormant hibernate so would need very little care and when active hide during daylight.  They seek out eves and attics which interestingly enough in Japan were constructed of wood and paper. So this toothpuller hooked up with another gigglemaster by the name of Louis Fieser the inventor of napalm. He designed a .6 ounce napalm bomblet with timer to be carried by a bat. The bats would be carried in 26 trays stacked forty to a bomb. The bomb would be dropped at night at five thousand feet and release the bats at one thousand feet where they would seek out the comfort of the aforementioned eves and attics. The timers go off and the bats and Osaka Bay would burn to ashes.
 There was a plan to produce  1,040,040 batbombs and fly them over Japan from Alaska. During testing and bunch of bats(colony?) escaped and burned  a Army base in Carlsbad New Mexico to the ground.
 It was due to be made opperational in 1945. The little parties at Hiroshima and Nagasaki made it unnessary.