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November 2013

May 10, 2013

The Music Box, A Working Music Box Made Out of a Massive Soil Compactor Machine

The Music Box, A Working Music Box Made Out of a Massive Soil Compactor Machine

The Music Box by Dave Cole
For his 2012 kinetic sculpture “The Music Box,” artist Dave Cole converted a 22,000 pound soil compactor machine into a massive music box that plays the “Star Spangled Banner.” Though Cole stripped most of the weight out of the compactor to make the sculpture more manageable, it still weighs in at 2,000 pounds. The sculpture was commissioned by the Cleveland Institute of Art.

The Music Box by Dave Cole

Othermill: kickstarting a desktop 3D computer-controlled mill for circuit-boards, jewelry and more

TSA hearing for "Naked American Hero" John Brennan

NewImageRemember our happy mutant comrade John Brennan, who removed his clothes at the Portland Airport during a TSA screening? He was acquitted of a ridiculous indecent exposure charge, and now he is appealing an equally stupid fine from the Transportation Security Administration for “interfering with the screening process.” This might sound silly, but it's serious business. As Brennan points out in his press release below, "This is the first time the TSA has followed through on assessing civil penalties for 'interference with screening" purely for nonviolent, non-obstructive protected expressive conduct.'"
I'm grateful to Brennan for being a civil liberties champion.