A Saga in the Stars: A Tribute to a Galaxy Far, Far Away is an upcoming group art show at Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra, California featuring artwork that celebrates the Star Wars films. The show’s opening reception will take place on Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 7 PM – 11 PM and run until Sunday, May 26, 2013.
The Force is strong with Nucleus as we present one of our biggest tribute exhibitions yet in honor of one of the largest franchises in entertainment history. Star Wars first took the world by storm in 1977 with its modern special effects and spellbinding costumes and set designs. More than 3 decades later, the saga remains close to the hearts of Star Wars devotees, while captivating an entirely new generation of fans.List of featured artists:
Nucleus welcomes a diverse group of talent to celebrate their favorite Star Wars characters and moments. Join us as our gallery is transformed into a galaxy far, far away with a collection of original works inspired by this saga in the stars.
Adam Matano, Alberto CerriteƱo, Allen Williams, Ana Bagayan, Andy J. Miller, Annie Stegg, Anthony Francisco, Ben Butcher, Caitlin Hackett, Caroline Hadilaksono, Chris Murray, Christopher Lee, Cuddly Rigor Mortis, Cynthia Sheppard, Dan Matutina, Dan Santat, Dave Dorman, David Au, Dean Reeves, Edward Kinsella, Eric Diaz, Eric Velhagen, Glenn Kim, Hermann Mejia, Jackie Huang (Woolbuddy), Jake Parker, Jeff Victor, Jeremy Costello, Jeremy Wilson, Jessica Fortner, John Hendrix, John Malloy, John Wu, Joy Ang, Justin Gerard, Kassandra Heller, Kelly McKernan, Kristian Huitula, Liam Brazier, Liana Hee, Luke Pearson, Marcus Napuri, Mark Sperber, Mattias Adolfsson, Michal Wright-Ward, Michelle Romo, Nimit Malavia, Oliver Akuin, Patrick Awa, Paul Wee, Phil McAndrew, Robert Romanowicz, Shag, Stephan Martiniere, Stephanie Law, TADO and Victo Ngai.
“Oola” by Annie Stegg
“Dark Lord” by Edward Kinsella
“The Line” by Jeremy Wilson
“Master” by Stephanie Law
“Yoda Slice” by Chris Murray
images via Gallery Nucleus and credited