Coming to Kindle and Smashwords

Coming to Kindle and Smashwords
November 2013

Jul 1, 2011

creepy but cool..

Animated’ stereoview photographs of the Civil War

Commemorating the Civil War’s upcoming 150th anniversary, NPR is currently showcasing a nice collection of stereoview photographs—some familiar, some not—from the war. All the photos are courtesy of the National Museum of American History.


This might come in handy over the holiday weekend (better safe then sorry)

Science of Surviving Zombie Apocalypse 2

I think I have to agree with this well thought out insight.....

Some people are upset with the signing of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman for the next batman movie called “Dark Knight Rises” but I think her boobs are going to look boobtastic the entire movie so I give the hire two thumbs up