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November 2013

Aug 29, 2013

Museum Quality Specimen Boxes of Popular Breakfast Cereals


Breakfast cereal specimen boxes
CerealBoxes is a purveyor of handcrafted breakfast cereal specimen boxes that are of museum quality. Each framed specimen box includes a selection of 9 cereals, from Grape-Nuts to Froot Loops. The boxes appear to be for sale, though the tongue-in-cheek copy on the website does make one wonder. Witness their instructions for transporting a CerealBox:
When transporting from city to city we recommend 3 people accompany the cereal box. We advise you to take surface streets and avoid highway driving. Contact us for a list of recommended roadways.
Breakfast cereal specimen boxes

Celebrity Face Mashup Featuring Peter Dinklage and Nicki Minaj


FaceMashups has released this video of Peter Dinklage and Nicki Minaj mashed together. Previously, we wrote about FaceMashups’