Coming to Kindle and Smashwords

Coming to Kindle and Smashwords
November 2013

May 23, 2011

she makes me feel funny in my pants.....


Atheists have 'better sex lives than followers of religion who are plagued with guilt..

A study carried out at the University of Kansas found that Christians are more likely than the irreligious to feel guilty after sex. On some kind of scale of feeling dirty, Mormons came the hardest, scoring on average 8.19 out of 10, "followed closely" by Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostals, and Baptists. Cathlolics and Lutherans were clustered around 6/10, while atheists and agnostics came in under 5/10.
Informing the numbers: almost a quarter of people raised in very religious homes reported being 'shamed or ridiculed' for masturbating as a youngster. They are also more likely to learn about sex from pornography.

1 comment:

Spencer Troxell said...

I'm not sure how much stock to put in this one. Too many variables...