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Mar 28, 2012

the horror.....the horror......

Alicia Silverstone Pre-Chews Food For Her Son, Bear Blu, Spits It In His Mouth

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Is Alicia Silverstone getting her parenting tips from birds?
The actress' 10-month-old son, Bear Blu, is already eating solids -- as long as they've been pre-chewed. In the latest video posted on Silverstone's website, the 35-year-old feeds her baby by chewing up his food and feeding it to him mouth-to-mouth.
"I just had a delicious breakfast of miso soup, collards and radish steamed and drizzled with flax oil, cast iron mochi with nori wrapped outside, and some grated daikon. Yum!" she wrote on The Kind Life, the website for her vegan cookbook, "The Kind Diet."
The "Clueless" star explained, "I fed Bear the mochi and a tiny bit of veggies from the soup ... from my mouth to his. It's his favorite ... and mine. He literally crawls across the room to attack my mouth if I'm eating. This video was taken about a month or 2 ago when he was a bit wobbly. Now he is grabbing my mouth to get the food!"
"Pre-chewing" is actually a thing, but it's very uncommon in the US and other Western nations and not recommended by health care professionals, as it can pass infection and disease from parent to child.

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